Gabriele Tranchina – Of Sailing Ships and the Stars in Your Eyes


La vocalista alemana Gabriele Tranchina nos lleva a un viaje musical sin fronteras en Of Sailing Ships and the Stars in Your Eyes, su mas reciente y tercera produccion musical. Antecedido por The Old Country (2004) y A Song Of Love´s Color (2010), el disco fue co-producido por Joe Vincent Tranchina y conto con el concurso de un quinteto magistral: Carlo De Rosa (bajo), Renato Thoms ( percusion), Vince Cherico (bateria) y Joe Vincent Tranchina (piano). A lo largo de los 12 temas del disco editado por Rainchant Eclectic Records, Tranchina se mueve con maestría por diferentes ritmos como la Salsa (Autum In New York), Cha-Cha-Cha (Island Dreams), Baladas (Bossa Ballad and Blue), el blues (Straphangin), Bossa Nova (O Morro Não Tem Vez)

De los 12 títulos de la grabación, 6 son originales -compuestos por Joe V. Tranchina- y 6 son are-interpretaciones de clasicos compuestos por Henry Mancini, Milton Nascimento, George Biset, Vernon Duke y Carlos Jobim. Island Dreams es un cha-cha-cha destacada actuación de Vince Cherico en la bateria; Autum in New York, original de Vernin Duke, es un salsa jazzy con un desarrollo profundo y texturas pegajosas mientras que la balada Bossa Ballad And Blue presenta el solo de bajo de Carlo De Rosa; Straphangin (Joe Vincent Tranchina) explora el blues mientras que Je Crois Entendre Encore (George Biset) y el bossa O Morro Não te Vez (Jobim) graduan a Tranchina como una artista integral con la capacidad de cambiar idiomas. Meglio Stasera, en italiano, Vera Cruz, en portugués o Ein alter Tibettepich, en alemán, son verdaderas joyas. Este ultimo es un interesante y sofisticado corte con introducción de rumba.

Gabriele Tranchina se mueve como pez en el agua por diferentes ritmos, con una voz educada y maravillosa, es capaz de pasearnos por diferentes estados de animo, lenguajes y géneros musicales. la radicada en New York es una exploradora por naturaleza y esto lo imprime en cada una de sus canciones.

German vocalist Gabriele Tranchina takes us on a musical journey without borders in “Of Sailing Ships and the Stars in Your Eyes” (RER 2017), her most recent and third musical production. Preceded by The Old Country (2004) and A Song of Love’s Color (2010), the album was co-produced by Joe Vincent Tranchina and featured a masterly quintet: Carlo De Rosa (bass), Renato Thoms (percussion), Vince Cherico (drums) and Joe Vincent Tranchina (piano). Throughout the 12 tracks of the album released by Rainchant Eclectic Records, Tranchina moves with mastery through different rhythms such as Salsa (Autumn In New York), Cha-Cha-Cha (Island Dreams), Ballads (Bossa, Ballad and Blue), the blues (Straphangin’), Bossa Nova (O Morro Não Tem Vez) Of the 12 titles of the recording, 6 are originals -composed by Joe V. Tranchina- and 6 are are-interpretations of classics compositions by Henry Mancini, Milton Nascimento, George Biset, Vernon Duke and Carlos Jobim. Island Dreams is an outstanding cha-cha-cha performance by Vince Cherico on drums; Autumn in New York, original by Vernon Duke, is a jazzy salsa with a deep development and sticky textures while the ballad Bossa, Ballad And Blue presents Carlo De Rosa’s solo bass; Straphangin’ (Joe Vincent Tranchina) explores the blues while Je Crois Entendre Encore (George Bizet) and bossa O Morro Não Tem Vez (Jobim) graduate Tranchina as an integral artist with the ability to change languages. Meglio Stasera, in Italian, Vera Cruz, in Portuguese or Ein alter Tibettepich, in German, are real gems. The latter is an interesting and sophisticated cut with introduction of rumba. Gabriele Tranchina moves like a fish in the water for different rhythms, with an educated and wonderful voice, is able to walk through different moods, languages and musical genres. The one based in New York is an explorer by nature and this is printed in each of her songs.

pointright Download: Autum In New York

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